October 02, 2007

From Newsdesk (Sweden), 1 October

Swedish development cooperation organization demands: Send food observers to Zimbabwe

Now, the international development cooperation organization Kooperation Utan Gränser/Swedish Cooperative Centre (SCC) demands the creation of a food observer force. In the same way as the international community supervises elections in other parts of the world, an independent international control of the food aid is demanded to assume that it reaches those who most need it(...) Farmers whom we have interviewed confirm that the distribution of food is controlled politically, says Anna Tibblin, director of the SCC in Southern Africa. (...) The Swedish Cooperative Centre/SCC considers that the surrounding world should urge the regime to accept an increased international control of the aid.

That's no big news, but I am glad for the support.
Why do you think MDC ares get now more food aid at the moment?
And what do you think the military feeds on?

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