October 21, 2007

From the news: Still the power problems

From Associated Press, 20 October

Massive power outage for 5th straight day in Zimbabwe capital

Harare - A dozen main districts of the Zimbabwean capital were without power for the fifth straight day Saturday. (...) The five-day outage was the worst in memory in Harare, householders said. Routine outages last between four and 17 hours and have forced many homes and businesses to install gasoline-driven generators and inverters - rechargeable battery packs to power lights and low-voltage appliances that do not include kettles, refrigerators or stoves. Several stores with shelves bare of the cornmeal staple and most basic goods shut down early through the week to save generator gas. Clinics and hospitals, usually spared power cuts, ran standby generators Saturday, but staff at one clinic said patients were moved out after its standby generator overheated and broke down during its first constant use. A nearby blood bank cut back its operations and shifted blood stocks to facilities in unaffected districts.

First -5days? I met a friend yesterday. He has been without power for 12 days now.

Second, ZESA fixed our problem exactly the time they had promised to get it fixed.

Third, I just drove past that area they talk about in the article. There is still now power. Now there are a lot of rumours in Zimbabwe. One that makes sort of sense to me: It is a caused by a problem with an underground cable, but no one knows where exactly the place of the problem is. and furthermore the ZESA digger does not work so one would have to do the digging manually. who is going to do it?

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