October 20, 2007

From the News: No Power in Harare?

From SW Radio Africa, 19 October
No power in Harare for a week

Tichaona Sibanda
The country's capital, Harare, is slowly grinding to a halt after large sections of the city have gone for almost a week without electricity. Harare routinely suffers from periodic electricity outages, but this one is described by residents as one of the most extended and widespread in recent memory, according to our Harare correspondent Simon Muchemwa. (...)
Power supplies in Harare have been sporadic all year. Critical institutions like Harare and Parirenyatwa hospitals have power for just a few hours a day. Muchemwa said nearly all residential areas in Harare have been in darkness since Monday, except Borrowdale, which is home to Robert Mugabe and most of his cabinet ministers.(...) (and in Borrowdale the little spot wihtout power - that was us)

Well. I guess it was just an unusal area that had no power for so long.

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