October 29, 2007

Airlines leaving Zim

From The Guardian (UK), 29 October: Last BA flight from a grounded economy

The last flight out taxied from the sparkling new Harare airport, built to handle the non-existent tourists, lifted over the city and dipped its wings in farewell. With that, at 9am yesterday, British Airways said goodbye to Zimbabwe, amid mutterings from supporters of Robert Mugabe that the pull-out had less to do with the collapse of its economy than a British government plot to unseat the Zimbabwean ruler.(...)

From The Standard, 28 October: Desperate AirZim courts banished airline

Troubled Air Zimbabwe is courting a banished airline among the list of seven carriers to fill the void left by British Airways as well as cushion the parastatal in the event it fails an international safety audit. (...)

From The Times (UK), 29 October: After 62 years, economics force BA to take flight from Harare

British Airways flew out of Harare international airport yesterday, ending 62 years of service. (...)

From The Zimbabwe Independent, 26 October: Ethiopian Airlines wants out, govt begs it to stay

Government is desperately trying to dissuade Ethiopian Airlines from pulling out of the Harare route, businessdigest can reveal. Ethiopian Airlines has indicated that it will pull out of the Harare route on November 15. (...)

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