August 19, 2007

Zimbabwe daily curiosities

This Blog is designed to report about the real situation in Zimbabwe as it reveals itself to people living and surviving in this beautiful country. It wants to be an alternative to international press always telling the same stories and government sponsored propanda press trivializing the situation.

To start with, there is the striking difference between government sponsored and western media. People here read the first of both of course. Maybe that is the reason why pepole are still keeping quite quiet about the situation here.

a few everyday examples:

- rubbish wouldn't be collected because there is no fuel

- airline personnel cannot deliver your luggage when it arrives the day after you arrive at the airport (which almost always happens when you fly in from Jo'burg) because of the same reason

- if there is milk in the shops it will be rationalized to two half-litre bags per person so be sure to bring your dog

- at least there are loads of cornflakes, muesli and dishwashing liquid

- it is incredibly cheap to phone overseas on landline from here, only that it will take you a few days to be lucky enough that the one-and-a-half existing lines are free.

- just get used to having power cuts 60% of the working day

- the minimum salary per month is worth about a loaf of bread. how good that you cannot get bread anyway.

- be aware that it might happen to you every day that you have to stop because the president is crossing the road


Zimbabwe is still one of the most advanced countries in Africa. There is electricity all over the country. There are proper roads all across the country. There are skyscrapers, supermarkets, street laterns and golf clubs.

And it is still safe to walk on the streets of Harare.

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