August 21, 2007

We talked with one of the women from Kambuzuma about politics. She believes what zimbabwean politics are saying. Shop owners are guilty because they did not sell food at low prices. That is why the government had to cut the prices down. But then the neither the industry nor the government can fill the gap because they have no fuel. And they have no fuel because of the “smud sanctions” that western countries are imposing on Zimbabwe. That is about what she said. She still wants a change though. And the reason is, she said, that she is confused, that politicians confused her.

Some more short stories and news:

Last week there was a blacklist of websites announced in the “Zimbabwe Independent”. It included amongst others: cnn and the american embassy in zimbabwe. How good that only few people have access to internet.

It sometimes happens, that you cannot get certain drinks, because of a lack of empty bottles. So please bring your empty bottles back in time!

I heard today, that some people died of diarrhoea in Harare due to contaminated water. Surprisingly they had water at all.

The government just announced it wanted to tackle the beef shortage in the country by reopening that had been shut down because they where not giving in to the price slash.

Shortage? Which shortage? I haven’t seen beef at all since I am this country.


There was beer in the supermarket today! And I found bread, more specifically bread rolls in a shop for the first time since I am here.

I have been running today on the huge racecourse with modern stables and stands that is slowly moving to become wilderness again. As many things do here… It somehow reminds me of the book Collapse by Jared Diamond. Contrarily to that I have seen the golf club of Harare today. Quite nice! They even had bread! Of course we had to ask where from. They bake it themselves.

And that is also what we are trying to do here. So I keep trying to the make the sourdough perfect.

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