August 24, 2007

white men and big cars

How can anyone in a shanty town believe western white people that they seriously want to do something for them and that we wanna share our wealth, knowledge or whatever with them if we always drive there with a big brandnew 4x4?
I personally would always feel like second class people then. Not to mention that in their eyes you are so rich that you could always help them out and still have enough to live well. Not that you wouldn't really want to help them but its still always you first. And they will possibly always feel that you can't understand them because you live in another safe world. and feel dependent on your moods and sympathies.
And even if this bloody car is absolutely necessary for the work you plan with them so that you can not only help 5 people but maybe 500, the feeling about it stays the same.
Does it really have to be like that?
What is the alternative?
Do nothing?
Go there with nothing in your hands but expertise and encouragement to really build something up together?

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