November 01, 2007

From the News: HIV infection rate drops?

From Associated Press, 1 November: HIV infection rate drops in Zimbabwe

Harare - Zimbabwe has registered a 2.5 percent decline in HIV infection rates, and the number of AIDS deaths also is dropping, the government said Thursday, crediting its "tireless efforts" to fight the pandemic. Quoting figures it said were verified by the United Nations, the Ministry of Health said the HIV rate dropped from 18.1 percent in people aged 15 to 49 years last year to 15.6 percent this year. AIDS deaths also have decreased, down to 2,214 a week from around 2,500 a week, according to the new statistics.

"... the trends presented were as accurate as possible given the available data, ..."

How many people don't even know they have AIDS

How many people never get their AIDS-tests done?

How many death are not reported?

How many, especially rural, people don't even know what HIV/AIDS is?

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