September 16, 2007

good question. What can outsiders do?

A friend from the Netherlands just asked me this question.

A Boycott is definitely better than just sending money somewhere. For example not letting Mugabe go to the EU-Africa-Meeting would be good for politics here inside the country. And then, in the short run of course people need food and water and medical aid. But that wouldn't help to build the economy up again - what I mean is it doesn't fix the water pipes, it doesn't make the agriculture work again, it doesn't make the companies produce again. For that you really need a regime change first and then manpower. People that start up something here. But of course an outsider can't do that. So it probably goes back to political pressure. Let the whole world know about it. Offer refugees from Zimbabwe a place to stay and bringing him to an international court immediately.

So it seems quite hard for outsiders to do something - and also for me that I am an outsider in the country.

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