September 23, 2007

Giraffe meat

From The Observer (UK), 23 September

It's personal. Brown will not give in over Mugabe

(...) And so the impasse continues - Mugabe's critics accuse him of economic mismanagement, failure to curb corruption and contempt for democracy, Mugabe accuses his domestic opposition and the West of colluding to destroy his economy, which suffers acute shortages and inflation that, according to the International Monetary Fund, may hit 100,000 per cent by the end of the year - and now of being Scottish. Meanwhile yesterday, on the outskirts of Zimbawe's capital, Harare, where food shortages are rife and transport services and energy supplies are crippled, the police were occupied with curbing a situation of civil unrest - trying to stop a hungry crowd of desperate people from killing 'for the pot' an adult giraffe that had wandered into a township.

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